Powerbreathe: Verbeter uw ademhaling en prestaties in 4 weken!
De Powerbreathe, al langer in gebruik bij topsporters, is nu voor iedereen beschikbaar. De unieke weerstandstraining zorgt voor sterkere en beter getrainde ademhalingsspieren. Hierdoor is meer zuurstof beschikbaar voor dagelijkse activiteiten en sportsprestaties!
Training van de inademhalingsspieren en de positieve effecten op het gehele ademhalingssysteem leiden tot betere prestaties bij o.a. hardlopen, wielrennen, roeien, zwemmen en duiken. Meerdere wetenschappelijke onderzoeken tonen het nuttig effect van deze vorm van training bij (top)sporters, maar ook bij mensen met astma en Copd. Iedereen kan op eigen kracht zonder medicatie binnen 4 weken een positief effect bereiken!
Dit revolutionaire systeem instrument, ontwikkeld in Engeland en meermalen bekroond, breekt nu ook door in Nederland. Drie modellen zijn leverbaar: groen voor ouderen en mensen met astma of Copd, blauw passend in een actieve leefstijl en bij verbetering van de fitheid en rood voor (top)sporters die het maximale uit hun lichaam willen halen
The POWERbreathe Sports Performance model has been designed for competitive sports people, such as marathon runners and athletes, by seriously boosting inspiratory muscle performance that in turn reduces breathlessness.
- Enhances exercise performance
- Strengthens breathing muscles
- Proven drug-free results in 4 weeks
- During exercise, the amount of air travelling in and out of our lungs can increase over twenty-fold, whereas the heart increases its output by less than six-fold. Thus, the relative demands placed upon the respiratory pump are huge, which is why POWERbreathe is so beneficial to those involved in competitive sports, including: Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Swimming, Walking, Rugby, Football, Rowing, Skiing, Mountaineering, Cricket, Squash, Hockey, Horse Riding, Scuba Diving, Free Diving.
How many serious athletes follow tight training regimes to keep a competitive edge? And how many have stopped to think about how they can improve one of the fundamental aspects of fitness - their breathing?
Exercising and strengthening the muscles we use to breathe in - the inspiratory muscles - can help boost performance. New research has shown that training these muscles can improve all-round fitness and even maximise the effectiveness of other muscles used in sport.
Using the laboratory-proven POWERbreathe training system of 30 breaths twice a day, an athlete''s strength and endurance will increase rapidly. POWERbreathe - an easy-to-use, drug-free, hand held device, has a controllable load for progressive training and is appropriate for athletes in all types of sports.
Research has shown that the inspiratory muscles have such a huge task to perform that they can ''steal'' blood from our exercising limbs to supplement their work (Harms et al., 1998). The effect of this is to limit the performance of those limb muscles - making exercise feel harder and impairing performance. New research has now shown that specific inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves the efficiency of the inspiratory muscles (Sharpe & McConnell, 1998), with the consequence that performance in laboratory controlled trials is improved by almost 30% (Caine & McConnell, 1998).
Studies have shown that time trial performance improves in elite rowers (Voliantis et al., 2001a) and cyclists (Romer et al., 2001a) by as much as 4.6%! That slashes almost 3 minutes off a 40km cycling time trial, and gives a winning margin of more than 60m in a 2000m rowing race!
POWERbreathe Classic is the result of intense research, trials and development by scientists at Birmingham and Loughborough Universities, and was launched in 2001 with a model to suit every lifestyle: Wellness, Fitness and Sports Performance.
How many serious athletes follow tight training regimes to keep a competitive edge? And how many have stopped to think about how they can improve one of the fundamental aspects of fitness - their breathing?
Exercising and strengthening the muscles we use to breathe in - the inspiratory muscles - can help boost performance.
New research has shown that training these muscles can improve all-round fitness and even maximise the effectiveness of other muscles used in sport.
Using the laboratory-proven POWERbreathe training system of 30 breaths twice a day, an athlete''s strength and endurance will increase rapidly.
POWERbreathe - an easy-to-use, drug-free, hand held device, has a controllable load for progressive training and is appropriate for athletes in all types of sports.
Research has shown that the inspiratory muscles have such a huge task to perform that they can ''steal'' blood from our exercising limbs to supplement their work (Harms et al., 1998). The effect of this is to limit the performance of those limb muscles - making exercise feel harder and impairing performance. New research has now shown that specific inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves the efficiency of the inspiratory muscles (Sharpe & McConnell, 1998), with the consequence that performance in laboratory controlled trials is improved by almost 30% (Caine & McConnell, 1998).
Studies have shown that time trial performance improves in elite rowers (Voliantis et al., 2001a) and cyclists (Romer et al., 2001a) by as much as 4.6%. That slashes almost 3 minutes off a 40km cycling time trial, and gives a winning margin of more than 60m in a 2000m rowing race! |