Klein Fitness
Indoor rowers
Powerbreathe Fitness Classic (GRATIS VERZENDING)

Powerbreathe: Verbeter uw ademhaling en prestaties in 4 weken!

De Powerbreathe, al langer in gebruik bij topsporters, is nu voor iedereen beschikbaar. De unieke weerstandstraining zorgt voor sterkere en beter getrainde ademhalingsspieren. Hierdoor is meer zuurstof beschikbaar voor dagelijkse activiteiten en sportsprestaties!

Training van de inademhalingsspieren en de positieve effecten op het gehele ademhalingssysteem leiden tot betere prestaties bij o.a. hardlopen, wielrennen, roeien, zwemmen en duiken. Meerdere wetenschappelijke onderzoeken tonen het nuttig effect van deze vorm van training bij (top)sporters, maar ook bij mensen met astma en Copd. Iedereen kan op eigen kracht zonder medicatie binnen 4 weken een positief effect bereiken!

Dit revolutionaire systeem instrument, ontwikkeld in Engeland en meermalen bekroond, breekt nu ook door in Nederland. Drie modellen zijn leverbaar: groen voor ouderen en mensen met astma of Copd, blauw passend in een actieve leefstijl en bij verbetering van de fitheid en rood voor (top)sporters die het maximale uit hun lichaam willen halen

Powerbreathe Fitness

The POWERbreathe Fitness model has been designed for anyone taking part in regular exercise, from walking the dog to fitness classes, and those wishing to improve their general fitness.

Reduces breathlessness

- Makes exercise feel easier

- Proven drug-free results in 4 weeks

POWERbreathe is also a useful aid in the training of diaphragmatic breathing and breathing control, making it ideal for:

- Fitness Instructors

- Musicians and Singers

- Dancers and Stage Performers

How many of us work out in the gym, trying to get fit, tone up or lose weight? And how many of us have stopped to think about how we can improve one of the most important aspects of our fitness - our breathing?

- Exercising and strengthening the muscles we use to breathe in - the inspiratory muscles - can help alleviate breathlessness and can also make exercise feel easier.

- New research has shown that exercising and strengthening the muscles we use to breathe in - the inspiratory muscles - can help reduce breathlessness and can also alleviate the symptoms of asthma.

- POWERbreathe has been shown to reduce breathlessness and bring new-found freedom to people who, because of illness or advancing age, are restricted by shortness of breath. Using the laboratory-proven POWERbreathe training system of 30 BREATHS TWICE A DAY, the strength of your breathing muscles will improve rapidly. An easy-to-use, drug free, hand-held device, POWERbreathe has a controllable load for progressive exercise and is appropriate for people at all levels of fitness Relieves the symptoms of ASTHMA

- POWERbreathe is great for asthmatics, or anyone who suffers from respiratory problems. Numerous research trials have already been conducted, examining breathlessness and respiratory muscle fatigue in many groups of people. In randomised, controlled trials, on mild / moderate asthmatics, POWERbreathe increased inspiratory muscle strength by a mean of 11% in just 3 weeks (McConnell et al., 1998

- Inspiratory muscle training has improved inspiratory muscle function in the following conditions:

- Spinal cord injury (Huldtgren et al., 1980, Gross et al., 1980)

- Cystic fibrosis

- Sawyer et al., 1993)

- Chronic heart failure (Cahalin et al., 1997, Mancini et al., 1995)

- Neuromuscular diseases including MS (Foglio et al., 1994), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Wanke et al., 1994)

- Heart-lung transplant patients (Ambrosino et al., 1996)

Powerbreathe Fitness Classic

POWERbreathe Classic is the result of intense research, trials and development by scientists at Birmingham and Loughborough Universities, and was launched in 2001 with a model to suit every lifestyle: Wellness, Fitness and Sports Performance.

How many of us work out in the gym, trying to get fit, tone up or lose weight? And how many of us have stopped to think about how we can improve one of the most important aspects of our fitness - our breathing?

- Exercising and strengthening the muscles we use to breathe in - the inspiratory muscles - can help alleviate breathlessness and can also make exercise feel easier.

- New research has shown that training these muscles can improve all-round fitness and even maximise the effectiveness of other muscles used in exercise.

- To get the most from your body you need to pay attention to all aspects of your fitness. Most people assume breathing is controlled automatically, like our heartbeat, but the truth is that we need to learn how to breathe well.

- Using the laboratory-proven POWERbreathe training system of 30 BREATHS TWICE A DAY, your strength and endurance will increase rapidly. An easy-to-use, drug-free, hand held device, POWERbreathe has a controllable load for progressive training and is appropriate for people at all levels of fitness. It''s unique, adjustable valve system means that as your breathing improves, you can step up your POWERbreathe training, allowing you to progress to peak inspiratory muscle fitness.

Within a few days, inspiratory muscles will feel stronger and within four weeks lung function will improve. As a result, any exercise or fitness activity carried out will feel easier, enabling you to get more out of it

Advies-prijs : 69.95
Aktie-prijs : € per stuk
Aantal :

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